Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Musings on The Fabric of the Universe

My weakness in mathematics prevents my being a physicist, but it interests me greatly. In trying to make sense of the current state of physics, I have come to view the Universe much differently than most. Allow me to present a hypothesis that the universe is composed of a fabric of fields. it further proposes that what we observe as particles, or "strings" are merely resonances in this fabric. What follows is a simple 3D model of how this universe might function.

A particle

A particle can be defined as a point in free space. A point can be defined as the intersection of three orthogonal planes: electric field, magnetic field, and gravitational field. A particle is a resonance between these fields at this point or "node", There must be a resonance mode to account for every unique particle in the Standard Model. In its null state, this node appears as empty space. A resonance at a node displaces one or more of the 3 fields from its null state and becomes "visible" to the universe. Since these fields extend to infinity, a displacement at a node pushes or pulls at every other node in the universe according to the inverse square law.

Below is a snapshot from Brian Greene's The Fabric of the Cosmos. Envision an infinite number of parallel electric field planes, orthogonal to those an infinite number of parallel magnetic field planes and orthogonal to both an infinite number of parallel gravitational field planes. Particles can exist only where these planes intersect: the nodes illustrated by the intersection of three lines. It is not likely that space is organized in such a simple 3D pattern, but let's keep it simple for now.

The 4 episodes of The Fabric of the Cosmos

Quantum Mechanics

Particles appear to be fairly stable once they come into existence (conservation of energy). This allows them to jump from one node to another in order to move about. This may account for the quantum effect that perplex so many physicists.

The Photon

The Photon may be a simple example. It is a resonance mode primarily between the electric and magnetic field planes. First transferring its energy into the electric field plane and then the magnetic field plane 90 degrees out of phase as it jumps from node to node at the speed of light.

The Electron

The electron appears to be a resonance between the electric and gravitational field planes. This gives it "mass". The resonance seems to be DC, if such a thing is possible. The static displacement of these fields, described as a point source interact with all other particles similarly displacing these fields in accordance to the inverse square law.


This hypothesis is  not inconsistent with Einsteins General Theory of Relativity which asserts that particles with mass bend space. The difference with my hypothesis is that these particles are not independent of space, but simply resonances that displace the gravity field plain from it's null state. This displacement falls off in accordance to inverse square law.

Field Equations

Newton's Law of Gravity posited that it was a force field that pulled matter toward each other. Einstein's theory of curved space is more robust and favored by physicists. But no one has come up with similar alternative explanations for the magnetic and electric force fields, so the concept of force fields are still with us. They are remarkably similar.

This is the "inverse square law" cited above. The force diminishes with the square of the distance between them.

But how does an electron generate an electric field that reaches to infinity and interacts with every other subatomic particle in the universe? One theory is that photons act as intermediaries. That's a lot of photons. We don't see them.

My hypothesis is that particles are connected by the fabric of space itself, it is not that different except for the concept that there are no independent particles at all.   

Dark Matter and Dark Energy

The Electron may give us a clue about Dark Energy. Particles that displace the electric field planes in like manner are pushed apart. The nodes of Space/Time don't move, the resonances are moved to other nodes because they are connected by the fabric.
Similarly, particles that displace the gravitational field planes in like manner are drawn together. We just don't understand all of the possible resonance modes, or the mechanism by which particles influence each other.


Resonance is a common phenomena in our universe. It occurs in both mechanical and electrical systems, and is remarkably similar in both. An electronic tank circuit uses a capacitor and an inductor to store energy using magnetic and electric fields. Theoretically, it could continue forever if not for losses in this system at room temperature. All it needs is to be excited with energy.

It is easy for me to see how the fabric of the universe can act as a tank circuit. As in the photon, which is alternating current, or AC.

An electron appears to be direct current or DC. It doesn't appear to oscillate. It stores it's energy like a capacitor and statically displaces the electric and gravity field planes. However, it can move from node to node and when it does, it displaces the magnetic field plane, so I choose to call it a resonance mode as well.

This is consistent with String Theory which says that all particles are vibrating strings. Note the use of the word resonating. The quality of a musical instrument depends on resonance.

I believe that the strings are the fabric of the universe itself.

String Theory

For your convenience the three episodes of "The Elegant Universe" are linked below. I have never worked with String equations. The episodes don't explain how vibrating strings generate the electric and magnetic fields that our technology is based on. However, I believe that integrating String Theory into the Fabric of space will bring us closer to the truth.

The laws of Physics.

We don't have any true laws of physics because we really don't know what the universe is. 

What we have are very powerful mathematical models that predict the behavior of the universe to some very high degree of accuracy. This is a very good thing because it gives us the power to predict the future, and it proves to me, at least, that these laws do exist.

However, I think we will be stuck with these models for a very long time because the true laws of physics work only at the subatomic level. To use them at the macro level, we must know the state of every subatomic particle in the universe at some particular instant in time and then calculate how they influence every other particle. This may never be possible.

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A Fabric of Fields

The Universe may be a fabric of fields as described in this document: https://markpresco.blogspot.com/2018/12/musings-on-fabric-of-univ...