The Universe may be a fabric of fields as described in this document:
The following expands on this concept and tries to explain how these fields might work in a somewhat simplistic mechanical fashion.
The fabric of space has a null state, or flatness. In this null state, the Universe appears to be an empty void.
The "Big Bang" introduced energy into this void by some mechanism we still don't understand. This energy is stored as resonances in the nodes of the fabric of Space/Time. These resonances displace the fabric from it's null state and become visible to us.
All that we experience is caused by the impetus of Space/Time to return it's null state. Like a displaced rubber band, it is under tension and wants to become "flat".
Quantum Field Theory is closest to this concept.
To reiterate, my hypothesis requires a resonance between two or more fields.
The Electric Field
Consider the electron, which displaces the electric field in the negative direction, and the positron in the positive direction.
How does Space/Time deal with this?
How does Space/Time deal with this?
The electric field between two like charges returns to the null state by pushing the particles apart. Even though the displacements persist, the field between them flattens out
The opposite is easier to understand. Opposite charges are pushed together, cancel out, and the field returns to it's null state by annihilation, commonly resulting in the creation of two photons.
Particles that resonate with the gravitational field give them "mass". This is incompletely described by the Higgs Field:
But no one has detected an anti-grav particle, so all massive particles displace the gravitational field in the same direction. If my hypothesis is consistent, gravity must also be a repelling force as depicted above.
But no one has detected an anti-grav particle, so all massive particles displace the gravitational field in the same direction. If my hypothesis is consistent, gravity must also be a repelling force as depicted above.
This posits that the gravitational fields are returning to the null state by pushing massive particles into piles. This hypotheses is supported by the Dark Energy Theory which argues that the Universe is being pushed apart at an increasing rate. It also implies that Space/Time itself is not expanding, only the particles.
But how does the impetus for Space/Time to push matter into piles overcome the forces that want to push the piles apart. According to the inverse square law the closer, the stronger, geometrically.
One reason might be that there is a lot more space than matter, and the impetus to flatten out overwhelms the impetus of the piles to disperse
Another reason might be a second order effect such as the curvature of Space/Time caused by the accumulative displacement by the resonances in the gravitational field nodes. So Einstein and Newton may both be right. There is a gravitational field, but the curvature of Space/Time dominates.
There is also evidence in the math. The reason that the gravitational constant is so much less than the electric or magnetic constants in the field equations is that the sum of all forces just barely favors the concentration of matter. These equations are only mathematical models, not laws.
This may also provide a clue to the puzzle of Dark Matter. Galaxies do not not behave as theorized. There is not enough visible matter to account for the observed motion. Perhaps the reason is that galaxies are pushed together rather than pulled together.
The Strong and Weak Forces
I do not rule out the existence of the Strong and Weak forces, or even the concept that more than three dimensions of Space/Time may be required to accommodate them. My limited understanding of them is that they play no role in the practical Physics we use in our everyday lives, as do do the other three fields, so I invoke Occam's Razor. They seem to be somewhat of a mathematical construct in order to make our current models work.
I think that their functions are inherent in the simple model outlined above. In order to flatten itself out, Space/Time pushes massive particles into piles. This works well in the case of electric field displacement. The opposite charges of protons and electrons are sequestered inside the little pile that is the atom and the bulk of Space/Time becomes electrically neutral or flat.
The complexity of building atoms larger than hydrogen is beyond the scope of this paper. However, there is a parallel between the ability to get protons to overcome their tendency to repel one another and cuddle up inside the nucleus, and the ability to get the massive particles described above to concentrate into high densities.
The Magnetic Field
I believe that the Magnetic Field exists because it does manifest itself in our everyday lives. However, not much is said about it other than it is so integrated into our existence that we refer to it as the "electromagnetic force" as described in Maxwell's equations. It appears to exist as closed loops, so Space/Time is probably not a simple 3D Euclidean model as depicted above. I do not yet have any concepts as to the role this field plays in the shaping of Space/Time.
Quantum Entanglement.
In the above example of the annihilation of an electron and a positron, two photons are created. Energy is conserved by simply changing the resonance mode. There are other possible resonance modes.
Since the electron and positron were resonating in the same electric field it is probable that the photons are too; thus the photons may be entangled. Remember that this electric field is part of the fabric of Space/Time and extends to infinity. Photons are limited to the speed of light because they are resonances between the electric and magnetic fields as they jump from node to node in the fabric of Space/Time; but if Quantum Mechanics is correct, information can be exchanged between the photons instantaneously because they are connected by the fabric of Space/Time.
Here is a link that describes a method to achieve instant communication using quantum entanglement.